In Conversation with Dhyan Vimal: Participating in each other’s growth - A Mastery Session (Finale)
The session will be an intimate 2 hour session in the art gallery of MAP. The intimate session is an open discussion, where we post questions to the speaker for insights on challenges, creative strategies, and inspiration.
Vimal Kirti .
Master says that "only a Master is the perfect disciple" I have witnessed it when I went to the Siddhas Samadhi. They are living and showing the path even today...
It's a lightning struck with a question "are you a disciple?" I think, I may have to spend many lives to find the answer or even come close to the answer! Om Neela Samudra Simmagiri Namaha
DV Ashram Admin
"One must live in a way one demands and lives the demand for life to be better, not just for oneself but for all, and anyone that gives up on this, betrays life and the reason why we are alive. The greatest illness is we are trained to give up, and find rest, which is the false rest that is destroying all. To live in this striving is the only way to live… all else is an escape and a betrayal." ... dv