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Ma Prem Sarvaprana
An exeprt from the
recent talk shook me to the core, rattled that piece loose ..... I so needed
this, needed to hear this, need to get the impact of this ..... thank-you
MASTER I bow with everything and in all ways, I BOW
The talk about
....... a bout rising to our own creation about risinng to our
own responsibility and what is that that I cannot forsake and about bowing to
this that I simply cannot forsake
If you
can't understand responsibilty
can't understand creation
is living in a way some how to throw their
The more
responsibility comes, they feel like they are
And them
fighting their own ability to create and to live in their
Is their
original problem in their life
Swami Dhyana Seshadri (Hamid)
DVA Vancouver Grand Opening special Broadcast in case you cant get in on skype
Sun, Nov 1, 2015 6:30 PM Pacific Standard Time
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
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United States : +1 (312) 757-3121
Access Code: 902-989-525
Ma Prem Amana (Uma)
Come and be a part of this ... the best of your life,
which is the awakening of you,
so come and be a part, so the whole of you can be seen,
and this is my work and my love,
so come my beloved, for my heart dances for you, and the light you are meant to be....
so come and be a part of this..... dv
Swami Prem Agni @ Ravintharan
Dear Master,
This evening, I learnt my lesson. As I was watching my breath, It brought me back to myself. The more I witmess my breath. The energy becomes more and more more so over it is a full of love and giving. I just share the energy to everyone around me . I undestand that the day the heart block the sharing and love stops pouring. But, the moment, the heart is open and flowing. Everything is beautiful...I don't know how else to describe, it is godly.
Dear Master,
The only wishes at this moment is how to live or be open to this moment in this all the time.
Please give me an insight.
With Love,
Ravin @ Swami Prem Agni
Satya @ Isabel
Continue; We May not conclude the light expansion of no one ....... to enter our own conditioned nature through perception, with out judgment ; comparison, concluding etc......penetrating that vibrational conditioned content stream of our individual sel= Ego =collective consciousness, inconciousness, soul past seeds memories , starts constatelations memories , for God to allow us to express its subtle knowing is a suprem blessing , Mother Nature it self manifesting through us.........etc........Beloved DV would love to suggest you a movie that provides a sight of this conversation In Netflix 2,015 British movie
call “ A Man Who Knew Infinity “ it is a true story of a genious Indian Mathematician
That movie explores a true sight of human pure sight perception of reality
Thanksssssssss Beloved DV truly appreciate your light