Health and Wellness Talk - Healthy Sex Life For Men
Event Details
Please join us in our efforts to bring wellness and well being to families and communities. Some of the initiatives are health education series covering varies topics of concern in collaboration with ZHS /FTOM and Health Experts who have come forward to contribute their time and their services.
Join us next Saturday 25th June, 3.30PM for Dato Dr.Selvalingam Sothilingam , Consultant Urologist, Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Tunku Mizan Military Hospital.
Dato Dr.Selva is currently involved in starting Prostat
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Master Dhyan Vimal
Just had the zoom session with the students that are doing the 3 day retreat at brahmashree ashram….wow what a blessing to work this way, and what a blessing for thous that are there….a space to do the actual work…..i am loving it…..find out when its happening next and dont miss it….
When we go to the Blessed One we recite and take refuge in the Buddha, the Sanggha and the Dharma. We are already with The Blessed One. Master's Teachings is the Dharma. Master's Father is the Sanggha and with him the Sanggha is.
The Trinity is. Those who were present at the funeral were blessed to be a part of it.
Those that come to know of it and partake in it are blessed too. The land that contains it is blessed as well.
Truly a Thanks Giving Day!
Swami Nyana Jothi @ Mani Selvan
To all the people who made the DV Ashram possible......thank you so so so much.....DV Ashram is stunningly beautiful, simply amazing ... wow wow walking into the real ashram itself.....bowing in gratitude.....Thank you