Ma Prem Amana (Uma)
Come and be a part of this ... the best of your life,
which is the awakening of you,
so come and be a part, so the whole of you can be seen,
and this is my work and my love,
so come my beloved, for my heart dances for you, and the light you are meant to be....
so come and be a part of this..... dv
DV Ashram Admin
"One must live in a way one demands and lives the demand for life to be better, not just for oneself but for all, and anyone that gives up on this, betrays life and the reason why we are alive. The greatest illness is we are trained to give up, and find rest, which is the false rest that is destroying all. To live in this striving is the only way to liveā¦ all else is an escape and a betrayal." ... dv
Ma Prem Priya Kamala Giri
Wow. " this is the bowing you are invited to be part of by your birth, the next step on you, the next possibility of humanity.
this is not only about you, the whole of humanity needs this, this next evolution, this next truth to be"
MDV, on the 7th benefit of the Maitreya Meditation- The Magic of You Lived