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Ma Prem Priya Kamala Giri
Wow. " this is the bowing you are invited to be part of by your birth, the next step on you, the next possibility of humanity.
this is not only about you, the whole of humanity needs this, this next evolution, this next truth to be"
MDV, on the 7th benefit of the Maitreya Meditation- The Magic of You Lived
Ma Prem Ajna Samadhi
Believed Master,
In the bodywork that I do, I am working primarily with the nervous system and how the brain is receiving incorrect information from the receptors in the body. We have various ways to assess and correct these receptors but I am finding that unless the source that is underlying is addressed, the symptoms in the body will not release completely, or it will come back in a different area of the body.
Will Master share, Master’s insights on this?