Simirthi is a Sanskrit word that means - self remembrance. It is a process of sitting in rest and remembering one's self. The discipline is an essential effort of an individual who consciously decides to participate in their personal growth. In this space, a quorum is set for people to come together for themselves, by themselves. A facilitator takes the quorum through the process of sitting in rest and alertness.
Simirthi is open to all levels of practice, and is especially suited for beginners.
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Ma Prem Amana (Uma)
Come and be a part of this ... the best of your life,
which is the awakening of you,
so come and be a part, so the whole of you can be seen,
and this is my work and my love,
so come my beloved, for my heart dances for you, and the light you are meant to be....
so come and be a part of this..... dv
Swami Nirvan Samadhi @navin
It is yet another year since love came calling,
Singing its tune of life and its possibilities beckoning,
And in its melody, the tides of the self come forth revealing,
The current of love effortlessly cutting through them, steadfastly guiding.
As love sits with its embrace all encompassing,
The world trembles with its disillusionment cascading,
It roars its truth, alone, silent and unwavering,
For those who hear, to come to it, in dissolving.
This disciple sits like a lover longing,
For every drop of love’s presence, in its royal offering.
As one drinks gratefully from love’s endless giving,
May the self be no more, as one’s ultimate offering.
Beloved master, is all this disciple can utter,
For a love like none other, this sight is ever overwhelmed in wonder.
Bowing in service at love’s feet, may this day be a blessed reminder,
To celebrate a celebration of love, that is my Master.
At the Guru’s feet, Nirvan Samadhi
Ma Prem Ananda Jothi Shrubini
Sadhana - how to move beyond illusion
Dear Master,
Thank you so much again for the guidance by you and the siddhas throughout the last months and years. Words are not enough to describe the blessings which occurred silently. It has been a very good year and I am very grateful.
Earlier, you pointed out that faith is what I am and need to become. And Faithfulness happened to be the theme throughout the last 1.5 years. It seems my patterns of control desire were popping up while old manners to deal with are fading out. Even though more outward stability (new home, new job, new relationship) came into my life, my reality in various ways mirrored that I have a strong desire to control for stability. I always had a strong drive toward stressing the “doing” to feel “capable”. As if its ingrained in my cells - that’s the level of presence I sometimes feel. Only breathing and physical activities seems to release it out of my system. Opening up for a union is not so easy when my perception of the other’s strategies are not in the zone of stability. The kicker seems to be to live up to my self-responsibility while backing off control desire. The talk on “discovering your sadhana” (23 Dec) was giving many insights for me to understand the underlying mechanism between two people. Yet the question is how to evolve from here. How to move more into allowing of happening, how to live more faithfully.
Master, I am kindly asking you for enlightened insights - some direction. What is the sadhana I need to live out?
Bowing to the masters,
Ma Prem Ananda Jothi Shrubini