Atma Rahasya- The Secret of the Soul Workshop (Montreal)
Event Details
Workshop Description:
This 2 day weekend workshop will be an interactive and scientific study into an existential formula created by enlightened Master Dhyan Vimal on the subject of how we frame ourselves or how we wear ourselves. Just as a priceless painting’s beauty is brought to life by a right frame, our very own preciousness and magic is unravelled by the right framing.
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Ma Prem Priya Kamala Giri
Wow. " this is the bowing you are invited to be part of by your birth, the next step on you, the next possibility of humanity.
this is not only about you, the whole of humanity needs this, this next evolution, this next truth to be"
MDV, on the 7th benefit of the Maitreya Meditation- The Magic of You Lived