The 12 Archetypal Bodies workshop is a powerful exploration into the evolutionary fate of our bodies. The outer body being a container and the inner body being the content. It is the discovery of the synthesis between the both bodies that allows the individual to embody and live the highest possibility that is them.
The workshop expounds on the bodies archetypes and works to identify the inner and outer bodies of the participant. This first recognition process brings about an enormous sense of acceptance
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Swami Nirvan Samadhi @navin
It is yet another year since love came calling,
Singing its tune of life and its possibilities beckoning,
And in its melody, the tides of the self come forth revealing,
The current of love effortlessly cutting through them, steadfastly guiding.
As love sits with its embrace all encompassing,
The world trembles with its disillusionment cascading,
It roars its truth, alone, silent and unwavering,
For those who hear, to come to it, in dissolving.
This disciple sits like a lover longing,
For every drop of love’s presence, in its royal offering.
As one drinks gratefully from love’s endless giving,
May the self be no more, as one’s ultimate offering.
Beloved master, is all this disciple can utter,
For a love like none other, this sight is ever overwhelmed in wonder.
Bowing in service at love’s feet, may this day be a blessed reminder,
To celebrate a celebration of love, that is my Master.
At the Guru’s feet, Nirvan Samadhi