Key learnings on 17 Nov from session with Master. Pls add if anything missed.
1) Hold your sacredness.
2) If one wore a diamond ring, one would look after it so carefully. Does one see there is nothing else more precious than one? Does one look after (carefully) the 'I' in one? Does one hold one's sacredness?
3) Do you hold the sacredness in others? This is missed...... one desecrates one's/others' or a situations's sacredness.
4) If dececrating happened because one was innocent (unawareness/ ignorant) about it can be overlooked but doing it knowingly.....what is the intent/ what is that about?
5) One can comment on a person. For example, commenting on a parent but hold the scaredness of the role of father / mother.
6) Other examples, one visits a Guru's tomb. Does one hold the sacredness of the place /the presence/the energy there or one visits the holy place in nonchalance/indifference.
7) Hold the sacredness. We are all here to bring everything to the highest. Hold each others sacredness (in the Sanggha) very dearly.
8) This is the upward flow. Do you see/get it?
9) Navigate rightly / see yourself and others rightly..........not judge based on your (and others) successess.
10) You create a wound when you make another nothing. You make a choice about this (in each moment) to hold the sacredness....... ....consciously (not in auto mode).
11) Watch the world. Stand in anti-establishment against making everything not that.
12) Hold Master's trust. E.g. everytime others take sannyas, as one who have already taken there to witness others taking sannnyas. Is that not enough?
13) Hold the sacredness of each of your parent, your children, your friend, etc. Never let your children loose their sacredness. Master's example of Master defending his father (irrelevent whether his father is 'right' or 'wrong' when others were pressing his father on a matter (in this case to quit smoking at 72 yrs of age).......standing by his father.
14) Go remember your sacredness within and around you. Example: when you go to a place of worship, you get a feeling.....reminding you of the sacredness of the place. Do pujas, if that for remind you of sacredness.
15) Live out your sannyas name.
16) Do everything (i.e. your activities) without losing your holiness/sacredness (i.e. not to stop doing). Example: i)Master flying the heli. When Master flies the heli, it is not just for Master but for all who is there watching.
ii) if one takes a glass of water and look at it makes it holy.
17) People chasing success.....making it just about them.........making everything unholy......end of the day they are miserable. Lou Tze quote - ''Dare not be ahead of your friend''.
18) Everybody, everything is holy.......Existence living out as you.....
19) need to be special..... but sacred.
20) Master's question: What is arising for much have you defended your sacredness?
Key learnings on 17 Nov from session with Master. Pls add if anything missed.
1) Hold your sacredness.
2) If one wore a diamond ring, one would look after it so carefully. Does one see there is nothing else more precious than one? Does one look after (carefully) the 'I' in one? Does one hold one's sacredness?
3) Do you hold the sacredness in others? This is missed...... one desecrates one's/others' or a situations's sacredness.
4) If dececrating happened because one was innocent (unawareness/ ignorant) about it can be overlooked but doing it knowingly.....what is the intent/ what is that about?
5) One can comment on a person. For example, commenting on a parent but hold the scaredness of the role of father / mother.
6) Other examples, one visits a Guru's tomb. Does one hold the sacredness of the place /the presence/the energy there or one visits the holy place in nonchalance/indifference.
7) Hold the sacredness. We are all here to bring everything to the highest. Hold each others sacredness (in the Sanggha) very dearly.
8) This is the upward flow. Do you see/get it?
9) Navigate rightly / see yourself and others rightly..........not judge based on your (and others) successess.
10) You create a wound when you make another nothing. You make a choice about this (in each moment) to hold the sacredness....... ....consciously (not in auto mode).
11) Watch the world. Stand in anti-establishment against making everything not that.
12) Hold Master's trust. E.g. everytime others take sannyas, as one who have already taken there to witness others taking sannnyas. Is that not enough?
13) Hold the sacredness of each of your parent, your children, your friend, etc. Never let your children loose their sacredness. Master's example of Master defending his father (irrelevent whether his father is 'right' or 'wrong' when others were pressing his father on a matter (in this case to quit smoking at 72 yrs of age).......standing by his father.
14) Go remember your sacredness within and around you. Example: when you go to a place of worship, you get a feeling.....reminding you of the sacredness of the place. Do pujas, if that for remind you of sacredness.
15) Live out your sannyas name.
16) Do everything (i.e. your activities) without losing your holiness/sacredness (i.e. not to stop doing). Example: i)Master flying the heli. When Master flies the heli, it is not just for Master but for all who is there watching.
ii) if one takes a glass of water and look at it makes it holy.
17) People chasing success.....making it just about them.........making everything unholy......end of the day they are miserable. Lou Tze quote - ''Dare not be ahead of your friend''.
18) Everybody, everything is holy.......Existence living out as you.....
19) need to be special..... but sacred.
20) Master's question: What is arising for much have you defended your sacredness?